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Notice of Study Completion: Transportation and Utilities Management Class Environmental Assessment

September 6, 2024

The County of Lennox and Addington (County) and Town of Greater Napanee (Town) have completed a Schedule C Municipal Class Environmental Assessment (MCEA) Study to confirm proposed road improvements identified in the County’s Transportation Master Plan (TMP) to accommodate future traffic and anticipated developments within the Study Area and alleviate expected congestion on County Road 41 (Centre Street North) (see map). Phases 1 and 2 of the MCEA planning process were satisfied through the TMP. This Study was completed in accordance with Phases 3 and 4 of the Schedule ‘C’ MCEA planning process.

An Environmental Study Report has been prepared and provides an overview of Phases 1 and 2 of the MCEA, describes the evaluation of alternative design concepts, and recommends preferred design concepts for alleviating congestion on Centre Street North. Potential impacts associated with the preferred design concept and mitigation measures to reduce these impacts have also been assessed. The Environmental Study Report also provides a record of consultation undertaken throughout the Study.

Based on the evaluation of design alternatives, and considering stakeholder input, the preferred design includes three new arterial roadways with associated roundabout intersections and multi-use pathways for active transportation users:
• East road, which will run east-west and link County Road 1 to County Road 41 at Industrial Boulevard
• West road, which will run north-south and connect Bridge Street West/Cherrywood Parkway to County Road 1/Jim Kimmett Boulevard
• South road, which will run east-west and link the new West road to County Road 1 at Enviro Park Lane

This Notice places the Environmental Study Report on the public record for review and comment for thirty (30) calendar days from September 9, 2024 to October 8, 2024 on the County’s website at:

Interested persons may provide written comments to our project team by October 8, 2024. All comments and concerns should be sent directly to the following staff members from the County and Town:

Chris Wagar
Director, Infrastructure Services
County of Lennox and Addington
T: 613-354-4883 Ext 3230
Address: 97 Thomas Street East, Napanee,
Ontario, K7R 4B9

Jeff Cuthill
Director, Capital Works
Town of Greater Napanee
T: 613-856-2247
Address: 99-A Advance Avenue, Napanee, ON K7R 3Y5

In addition, a request may be made to the Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks for an order requiring a higher level of study (i.e. requiring an individual/comprehensive Environmental Assessment approval before being to able to proceed), or that conditions be imposed (e.g. require further studies), only on the grounds that the requested order may prevent, mitigate or remedy adverse impacts on constitutionally protected Aboriginal and treaty rights. Requests on other grounds will not be considered. Requests should include the requester contact information and be received by October 8, 2024.

Requests should specify what kind of order is being requested (request for conditions or request for an individual/comprehensive environmental assessment), how an order may prevent, mitigate or remedy potential adverse impacts on Aboriginal and treaty rights, and any information in support of the statements in the request. This will ensure that the ministry is able to efficiently begin reviewing the request. The request should be sent in writing or by email to:

Minister of Environment, Conservation and Parks
Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks
777 Bay Street, 5th Floor
Toronto ON M7A 2J3


Director, Environmental Assessment Branch
Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks
135 St. Clair Ave. W., 1st Floor
Toronto ON, M4V 1P5

Requests should also be copied to Chris Wagar at the County and Jeff Cuthill at the Town by mail or by e-mail. For more information on requests for orders under section 16 of the Environmental Assessment Act visit:

Please note under the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act and the authority of section 30 of the Environmental Assessment Act, unless otherwise stated in the submission, any personal information included in a submission will become part of the public record files for this matter and will be released, if requested, to any person.

Environmental Study Report (ESR)

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