What is Stormwater?
Stormwater is rainfall and melting snow that soaks into the ground or runs off surfaces into storm sewers and nearby waterways. As natural landscapes are turned into roads, sidewalks, driveways, parking lots and buildings, these surfaces limit the ability for water to soak into the ground which leads to increased stormwater runoff. As it flows over these surfaces, stormwater can become polluted as it picks up, carries, and transports various pollutants including road salts, garbage, fertilizers, pesticides and oil.
What is Stormwater Management?
Stormwater management is the effort of reducing runoff and improving water quality in urbanized areas. In more rural settings, storm water management includes culverts and ditching.
Stormwater Management in Greater Napanee
The municipal stormwater management (SWM) system serving the Town of Greater Napanee includes storm sewer mains, catch basins and maintenance access holes, stormwater management ponds, culverts, ditches, stormwater management facilities, and outlets. The system includes 13.36 km of storm sewers, including two dry stormwater management ponds (Beverly Street and Cherrywood Parkway) and two wet stormwater management ponds (Arena Wet Pond and Millhouse Yards). The system also contains five (5) oil/grit separators. The Town conducts routine storm management pond inspections and other maintenance items including roadside ditching, street sweeping and catch basin cleanouts. The stormwater system servicing the Town of Greater Napanee’s drainage area is separate from the wastewater (sanitary sewer) collection system; there are no known combined sewers within the Town of Greater Napanee.
An Annual Report prepared in accordance with the terms and requirements listed in the Town’s Stormwater Environmental Compliance Approval (ECA) can be found here: 2024 Stormwater Annual Report
Contact Us
Town of Greater Napanee
99-A Advance Avenue
Napanee, ON K7R 3Y5
Phone: (613) 354-3351
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