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Snowplowing and Route Maps

We are responsible for snow removal and maintenance during the winter months to ensure the safety of all residents. Public Works is responsible for snowplowing roadways and salting or sanding icy conditions on municipal and county roads.

During the winter months, snow removal is completed on a priority basis to ensure the safety of residents:

For major and collector roads and major rural roads, the centre of road will be essentially clear as soon as possible after snowfall ends (normally within four hours).

For secondary collector roads and transit routes, the centre of road will be essentially clear as soon as possible after snowfall ends (normally within six hours).

Local residential and minor hard-surfaced rural roads will be essentially cleared as soon as possible after snowfall ends (normally within 16 hours).

For more information on winter maintenance standards please refer to the Minimum Maintenance Standards for Municipal Highways.

Please note that the Highway Traffic Act does not allow the plowing or shovelling of snow onto any roadway.

  • Be patient and keep a safe distance from plows. When travelling behind a plow, leave at least three car lengths' of distance between you and the plow.
  • Do not drive beside a plow and NEVER pass a plow.
  • If a plow is approaching from the opposite direction, shift to the right of your lane to give some extra leeway. Plows need to clear the centre of the road, too.
  • If you are on a multiple lane road and there is a line of plows working, do not attempt to pass. Be patient and follow the plows at a safe distance.

If you see a snow plow, assume the driver has not seen you and move off the sidewalk into a yard where you can be seen.

Children should be reminded not to play on or build forts in roadside snowbanks and to not approach a plow, even if it has stopped.

  • Report any slippery or dangerous road conditions to us as soon as possible at 613-776-1177;
  • Refrain from parking on streets during a winter storm event;
  • Pile all snow from your driveway and walkways on your property - not on the road. When clearing your driveway, pile snow on the right side of your driveway if you are facing the street. This will help reduce the amount of snow pushed back into your driveway by a plow;
  • Shovel the sidewalk in front of and beside your property as soon as you can after a storm event and apply sand or salt when icy;
  • Keep fire hydrants clear and accessible. In the event of a fire gaining access could be critical; and
  • On your garbage day, place your garbage and recycling containers close to the edge of the road but not so close as to interfere with snow removal.

Please be patient. You can be sure that during a storm event we are exerting our maximum effort to return road conditions to normal. Under severe conditions, it takes some time to get to all streets. If your street has not been plowed, please allow at least 24 hours after the snow has stopped before calling.


Snow plows have nowhere to push snow except to the curb or shoulder of the road and that includes any driveways in their path. We realize this causes some hardship and we ask for your understanding as our main goal is to make the roads as safe as possible.

Parking is not permitted on any roadways or streets during the winter months from December 1st to March 31st from 1:00 a.m. to 7:00 a.m.

For more information on general parking inquiries, please see our parking page.

For information in alternate formats, please contact Hollie Knapp-Fisher

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