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Reports, Studies and Plans

A barrier is anything that keeps someone with a disability from participating in our community! Accessibility is the ability to access and everyone has that right!

Greater Napanee's Commitment to Accessibility 

We are dedicated to meeting the needs of people with disabilities and to creating a welcoming environment so that all people may have equitable access to Town programs, goods, services and facilities. We are committed to meeting accessibility needs for people in a timely manner and in a way that respects one's dignity and independence.

Accessibility Act 

The Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act, AODA, is provincial legislation that was enacted into law in 2005. Under the AODA, all private, public, and non-profit organizations are legally obligated to comply with Customer Service and Integrated Accessibility Standard Regulation.

Policies & Best Practices

Our policies reflect on customer service, information and communication, employment, transportation, new design build and human rights.

Please contact our Emergency Services department if you wish to view one of the following documents:

  • Integrated Accessibility Standards Policy
  • 2019 Accessibility Status Report

You can also fill out one of the following online forms:

Joint Accessibility Advisory Committee (JAAC)

The JAAC advises the Councils of the County of Lennox and Addington, the Township of Addington Highlands, the Town of Greater Napanee, Loyalist Township, Stone Mills Township and the Board of Governors of Lennox and Addington County General Hospital on the preparation and implementation of annual accessibility plans in order to remove barriers for people with disabilities and ensure that no new barriers are created.

The roles of the JAAC includes reviewing and advising the Councils and the Hospital Board on the following areas:

  • Site plans of new and existing municipal buildings
  • Major capital purchases
  • Significant renovations to municipal facilities
  • Leased facilities or any other facility used as a municipal building
  • Goods and services provided by the municipality or agents providing services under contract with the municipality

JAAC Members

  • Ric Bresee
  • John Wise
  • Ken Ackerman
  • Jessica Boomhower
  • Kelly McCaugherty
  • Brian Shenton 

For more information, please see the County of Lennox and Addington's website.

Browse Aloud

Browse Aloud provides you with speech, reading and translation support.

Please call our Emergency Services Department at 613-354-3351 if you have any accessible concerns, suggestions or feedback. Working together will help us achieve the Provincial goal of a fully accessible Ontario!

In 2022, Town of Greater Napanee Council adopted an updated Asset Management Plan as a responsible and accountable action for the long-term planning, maintenance and eventual replacement of its capital infrastructure needs. Asset management is one of the most important responsibilities of a municipality as its infrastructure provides essential services to the community. 

The Town is responsible for a diverse array of capital assets. These include:

  • Linear infrastructure such as roads, bridges, sidewalks, trails, water, wastewater and storm water management;
  • Buildings including recreation facilities, fire halls, water, wastewater treatment facilities and municipal offices;
  • Land improvements such as sports fields, playgrounds, parks, and parking lots;
  • Vehicles and equipment including fire trucks, plows, excavators, loaders, graders, ice resurfacing machines and mowers.

Next Steps

Future updates will follow and will be ongoing to include all other Town assets and ensure that the plan remains up to date in consideration of newly acquired, constructed, or redeveloped assets. 

The Town's Strategic Asset Management Policy was approved in 2019.

Our Updated Energy Conservation & Demand Management Plan (2019) are designed to specifically maximize our Town's productivity while keeping its energy use at a minimum. Designing and implementing an Energy Management Plan will ultimately help reduce the amount of energy we use and save money while doing so.

Financial Information Returns 

The Town's Financial Information Returns from 2001 to current can be found on the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing website.

Consolidated Financial Statements 

Building Department Financial Reports 

Official Plan Update 2023:

The Town is currently undergoing a comprehensive review and update of the Official Plan. Please click the link below to access the webpage dedicated to the Official Plan Update:

The Official Plan serves as a statement of land use policies and is referred to as a guide for long-range land use and development for the Town.

Created with public input, the Official Plan contains the goals and objectives of our community, and establishes the policies that direct our Town's form, function and development goals. It supports the overall aim of achieving a healthy community built on the principles of diversity and adaptability, accessibility and equity, and social and economic health and vitality.

Amendments to the Official Plan are required when development proposed does not meet, or is not in keeping with, the policies of the Official Plan designation.  To determine whether a proposed development is allowed, both the schedules and the written policies are consulted. If an Amendment to the Official Plan is needed, the following are considered by the Town in the approval of a request:

  • Is the request consistent with the Provincial Policy Statement?
  • Is the request consistent with the intent and purpose of the Official Plan?
  • Is the proposal compatible with the surroundings?
  • Will the proposal function at that location?

Official Plan Amendments are considered by Council under the authority of the Planning Act of Ontario.

The Town of Greater Napanee is in the process of developing an inaugural Strategic Plan. The Strategic Plan will outline a long-term vision for the Town and summarize the direction of the municipality and community for the next 10-years. 

Town of Greater Napanee Strategic Plan 

Town of Greater Napanee - Action Plan

For information in alternate formats, please contact Hollie Knapp-Fisher

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