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By-laws are municipal laws passed under the authority of a Provincial Act and governing activities within the municipal boundaries. By-laws are enacted by Council and can be administrative or regulatory. Below is a list of our most frequently requested by-laws. Please note that these are not the official signed and sealed versions, but are provided for ease of reference. 

A full listing of all by-laws passed since 1998 is available on the Council Portal page. If you require a different by-law, or need one in an alternative format, contact the Clerk’s department. 

If you would like to submit a request for enforcement of a by-law, please use the Report an Issue Form.  

If you would like clarification of a by-law, please contact the Clerk’s department 

Dog Control By-law
  • Regulates all dogs, including being at large and provides for the seizure and impounding of animals at large and the sale of impounded animals. 
  • Regulates all dog kennels operated within the Town of Greater Napanee. 
Exotic Animals By-law 
  • Prohibits and regulates certain animals. No one is allowed to keep any prohibited animal as outlined in Schedule A of the bylaw in the Town of Greater Napanee. 
Wildlife Feeding By-law 
  • Prohibits leaving food out for wildlife in the urban area, as this can attract pests and other nuisance animals. 

Building By-law 
  • Establishes fees and requirements for obtaining permits to make alterations to a site through building, renovation, or demolition.
Driveway Entrance Permit By-law
  • Establishes standards and fees for the creation or alteration of driveway entrances on to municipal roads. 
Grass Cutting By-law 
  • Establishes standards prescribing the maximum length to which grass may be allowed to grow on privately owned land within the municipality and requiring the owners and occupants of such lands to keep the grass cut. 
Election Signs By-law 
  • Regulates the type, placement, and timing of election signs both on private and public property within the Town of Greater Napanee 
  • Election signs for municipal elections are not to be installed until the candidate is officially registered in the election and must be removed no later than four days following the voting day.  
  • Elections signs that have been affixed, erected, or otherwise displayed in contravention to any provision of the bylaw may be removed immediately without notice. 
Property Standards By-law 
  • Defines standards for maintaining a property in the Town of Greater Napanee. 
  • Property owners must maintain the property and dwellings in a clean, sanitary, safe condition and a state of good repair. 
  • Maintenance standards include all components of the dwelling, including fencing, accessory buildings, and structures.  
  • Property that does not conform with the bylaw’s standards may result in the issuance of an Order.  
  • Failure to comply with an Order may result in the property being repaired and maintained to conform with the bylaw’s standards at the owner’s expense, in addition to any other fine or penalty. 
Signs By-law 
  • Regulates where and what type of signs can be placed in private and public areas. 
  • Sets out the process and requirements for a sign permit. 
  • Outlines measures to remove signs that are found to be in an unsafe condition or signs that don’t conform with the provisions of the bylaw or any other bylaw or code. 
Yard Maintenance By-law
  • Requires owners and occupants of land to clean and clear the land of refuse and debris. 
  • Prohibits and regulates the use of any land for the storage of used motor vehicles for the purposes of wrecking or dismantling them or salvaging parts from them. 

ATV By-law 
  • Regulates the operation and boundaries of all-terrain vehicles on municipal highways within the Town of Greater Napanee. 
  • Regulates the rate of speed of all-terrain vehicles. 
Half Load By-law 
  • Identifies a seasonal period in which commercial motor vehicles or trailers shall not be operated on most highways under the jurisdiction of the Town of Greater Napanee where the weight upon axle exceeds 5 tonnes. 
Firearms By-law 
  • Prohibits or regulates the discharge of guns or other firearms, air-guns, spring-guns, cross-bows, long-bows or any other weapon for the purpose of public safety.
Fireworks Discharge By-law 
  • Regulates the sales and setting off of fireworks and firecrackers 
  • Outlines the process to apply for a permit to display fireworks and the associated fines for non-compliance 
Littering By-law
  • Prohibits the depositing of litter, including debris and refuse, on any highway and public land in the Town of Greater Napanee. 
Noise By-law
  • Regulates and prohibits noise within the Town of Greater Napanee 
  • Includes general noise prohibitions, noise prohibitions by time and place and exemptions from the noise prohibitions 
  • Outlines the process to apply for a noise exemption. 
Open Air Burning By-law
  • Regulates the setting of open-air fires 
  • Establishes when open-air fires may be set and any exemptions 
  • Provides for officers to inspect the property to determine compliance 
  • Non-compliance can result in an officer issuing an order to discontinue the activity or a Provincial Offences Notice where charges are laid, and fines imposed. 
Parking By-law
  • Regulates where you can park, stop, and drive on roads in Greater Napanee 
  • Overnight parking on city streets and lots is prohibited at any time between 1:00 a.m. and 7:00 a.m. on any day between December 1st of one year and March 31st of the following year. 
  • Parking in front of or within 1 .5 metres (5 feet) of an entranceway or so as to obstruct vehicles using the entryway is prohibited. 
  • Stopping vehicles so as to obstruct a sidewalk pedestrian walkway or pedestrian crosswalk, or within 3 metres (10 feet) of a pedestrian crosswalk is prohibited. 
  • Outlines the regulations and application process for obtaining a parking exemption permit. 
Public Parks and Spaces By-law
  • Establishes rules and guidelines for using public parks and facilities
  • Includes the Town's Encampment Response Protocol which governs the rights and limitations of unhoused individuals to shelter on public lands
  • Outlines fines and charges that can be imposed for non-compliance, including for causing damage to municipal park property
Smoking By-law
  • Prohibits smoking in certain public places, near doorways, entrances and exits of all Municipal Buildings in the Town of Greater Napanee. 

Fees and Charges By-law  
  • Outlines all common fees and charges for Town services. 
Solid Waste By-law 
  • Outlines all waste collection fees for the Town. 
  • Regulates the way waste may be set out for collection. 
Water and Sewage Service Charges By-law
  • Outlines all the water and wastewater rates for the Town. 
  • Regulates connections to the water and wastewater services. 

Dog and Kennel Licensing 
  • Regulates all dogs, including dogs being at large and provides for the seizure and impounding of animals at large and the sale of impounded animals. 
  • Regulates all dog kennels operated within the Town of Greater Napanee. 
Outdoor Patio Licensing 
  • Outlines guidelines for all outdoor patios, including sidewalk patios, for the purpose of health and safety, nuisance control and consumer protection.
Refreshment Vehicle Licensing
  • Regulates where refreshment vehicles, such as food trucks, can operate in Greater Napanee; 
  • Establishes criteria for obtaining a license for a refreshment vehicle to operate within Greater Napanee 
Taxi Licensing  
  • Outlines guidelines for taxicab owners and drivers to ensure the health and safety of residents and to protect consumers. 

Advisory Committees By-law
  • Defines the roles and responsibilities of advisory committees appointed by Council.
Development Charges By-law 
  • Outlines all development charges on all lands, buildings, or structures developed for residential or non-residential uses. 
Procedural By-law 
  • Governs the calling, place, and proceedings of meetings of the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Greater Napanee. 
  • Outlines the rules and regulations that need to be followed in all Council and Committees of the Municipality. 
Procurement By-law 
  • Regulates all Town purchasing to ensure decisions are fair, open, and transparent. 
  • Regulates all Town purchasing to reflect the best value for the taxpayer, protect the Town’s financial interest, and encourage competitive bidding. 
Public Notice By-law 
  • Outlines when and how the Town is required to give notice to the public under the guidelines set out by the Municipal Act. 
Records Management By-law 
  • Establishes retention periods during which the records of the municipality and local boards of the municipality must be retained and preserved. 
Sale of Land By-law 
  • Ensures transparent and accountable processes are observed in the disposal of all property, and that returns are in the Town’s best interests. 

By-law to Dissolve the Utilities Commission  
  • This bylaw allows the by-laws and resolutions of the Greater Napanee Water Supply and Pollution Control Public Utilities Commission to be continued and in force with The Corporation of the Town of Greater Napanee.
Sewer Use By-Law
  • Outlines controls for the discharge of pollutants to the municipal sewer systems.
Utilities Contracts By-law 
  • This bylaw establishes the conditions within contracts between water and sewer utilities customers and the Town.
Water Meter By-law
  • This bylaw establishes the requirements around water meters for our water and sewer utilities customers.

Visit the Zoning page to view our Zoning By-law.  

For information in alternate formats, please contact Hollie Knapp-Fisher

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