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Road Services and Maintenance

Reporting an Issue to Our Public Works Department:
For questions or concerns about roads that occur within regular business hours, please contact the Infrastructure Services Department at 613-776-1177 or submit an online Report an Issue form:

For issues that occur outside of regular business hours and require immediate attention, please call the Town's on-call number at 1-888-921-1141. 

Learn about the areas that our Public Works Department oversee:

The civic address number sign, post, and blade must be maintained by the owner at all times.

The sign must be properly installed, and your property access must be clear for emergency services.

If the post and/or blade subsequently get damaged, it is the responsibility of the property owner to purchase a new post and/or blade.

Any questions regarding capital projects should be directed to Jeff Cuthill, Director of Capital Works at 613-856-2247.

For a list of notice of construction and road closures around the Town, visit our Municipal Road Services & Maintenance page.

Construction includes any sidewalk construction, road resurfacing or other projects happening in the municipality.

We issue a Notice of Construction to residents impacted by planned construction projects in their neighbourhood. These notices will include any road resurfacing or other projects going on within the municipality.

View a list of Capital Projects on our Current Projects tab.

Please see the Ontario 5-1-1 website for upcoming major road closures performed by the Ministry of Transportation. 

Property owners are responsible for dealing with dead animals on their own property. The Ministry of Environment and Climate Change has a list of tips for safe removal of dead animals.

The Public Works Department will pick up dead animals if the following requirements are met:

  • Wildlife or domestic animal remains on the Town road allowance (road, boulevard or sidewalk)
  • Wildlife or domestic animal remains in Town parks if it is safe for them to do so.

A roadside ditch maintenance program is carried out each year to improve or reinstate drainage.

Culverts are repaired and cleaned out as required. 

New entrances to private properties must be approved by Public Works Supervisor, and when a culvert is required it is the responsibility of the home owner to install. The entrance permit from the Public Works department will outline the culvert size, material and the appropriate end treatments that is required. Once the entrance is complete the home owner is required to contact Public Works for a final inspection.

Driveway Entranceway Permits are required for all new driveways or changes in classifications of driveways and entranceways.

Permits are required in order that specific criteria are met when accessing municipal infrastructure, including:

  • Sight Lines
  • Road Speeds
  • Slope and grades- off right of way onto properties and water management for culvert runs.
  • Angles of approach
  • Determine use matches installation classification
  • Catchment Area- to correctly determine culvert sizing
  • Correct installation of culverts
  • Correct Materials are use in base materials
  • Proximity to intersections
  • Snow loading considerations

A Driveway Entrance Permit includes:

1. The Administration and documentation of request

2. The Prework Field Inspection

3. New Civic Addressing

4.Final Inspection

These criteria focus on the safety and function of the municipal infrastructure and are available in more detail in the upcoming Driveway Entrance By-Law.

Please contact the County of Lennox & Addington if your entrance is on a County road.

Roads within the Municipality of Greater Napanee are maintained in accordance with the Minimum Maintenance Standards for Municipal Highways Ontario Regulation 239/02. These standards provide the regulatory requirements for maintenance activities for summer and winter standards.

The Town of Greater Napanee in collaboration with the County of Lennox & Addington administers County-wide weed inspection for all properties and road allowances within the County through its Area Weed Inspector who enforces the regulations of The Weed Control Act. This Act only applies when the subject weeds are a threat to agriculture and are classified as noxious in the Act. Please refer to the County of Lennox & Addington weed control page for details on where applications will be applied. 

To report wild parsnip along the roadsides, please call the County of Lennox and Addington at 613-354-4883.
Wild parsnip on private properties should be reported only if it is a threat to agriculture.

To report wild parsnip in residential areas, park areas or unmaintained lots, please contact the Town at 613-354-3351.


Please note that Dandelions, Burdock, Goldenrod and Purple Loosestrife are not considered noxious weeds under the Weed Control Act. Therefore, complaints concerning these weeds cannot be accepted.

For a complete listing of noxious weeds as set out in the weed control act, please visit the details on the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food & Rural Affairs website.

For further information and pictures on these and other Ontario Weeds visit Ontario Weeds Gallery.

Please see the County of Lennox & Addington's website for information on operating off-road vehicles on municipal roads or view our Off-Road Vehicles on Municipal Highways By-law.

When not addressing winter plowing and salting/sanding needs, the Town's Public Works staff use 'cold patch' to try to maintain potholes until more permanent repairs can be carried out.

  • Replace 9-1-1 Sign - $60.00
  • Municipal Easement Work Permit - $150.00 fee plus $2,000.00 deposit against expenses
  • Entrance Permit - $225.00 plus total installation cost of one 9 metre culvert 

Please note that Road Closing Applications are submitted to the Clerk at the Community & Corporate Services Office, 99 Advance Ave, Napanee.

Town of Greater Napanee Road Closing Application

Permanent Road Closing and Sale Requests

Where a person completes an application for closing and sale of a road allowance and this person has signed the attached waiver that details that all related expenses the landowner could incur, the following procedure will be followed:

  1. The road closing application fee is $500.00, as per By-law No. 2020-0035. A deposit against expenses in the amount of $3,000.00 will also be required if Council agrees to proceed with the request.
  2. After consideration of the application and the recommendation, if Council supports the request for road closing, the proposal will be circulated to all adjoining landowners. They will be notified that if they are interested in acquiring a section of the allowance, they will be expected to reimburse the Town for any legal, administrative and survey costs, and they will also be expected to pay the set price/acre for the lands.
  3. If Council still wishes to proceed with the road closing, County approval, through the form of a by-law, may be required for roads under joint jurisdiction as per the Municipal Act, 2001.
  4. If Council endorsement is given, then the necessary public notice will be given as per the Municipal Act, 2001.
  5. If no objections are received from the public, then Council will give the necessary readings to the appropriate road closing by-law. A certified copy of which shall be registered at the appropriate land registry office.
  6. Before conveying the road allowance land to the adjoining landowner(s), the allowance shall be surveyed at the expense of the landowner(s).
  7. The land value of the road allowance, which shall be required to be paid by the adjoining landowner, will be determined by using the price/acre set by Council from time to time multiplied by the area of the lands which are requested by the adjoining landowner.
  8. Upon conveyance, the adjoining landowner shall pay in full to the Town of Greater Napanee, all appraisals, surveying, legal and administrative costs associated with the closing and sale of the road allowance less the initial deposit amount; or if required, a refund will be issued by the Town.

Temporary Road Closing Requests

Where a person(s) or group submits a written request to temporarily close a portion of road for an activity, the following procedure will be followed:

  1. The written request must be submitted, outlining the reason for the request, the date of the event and the times that the road is required to be closed.
  2. After consideration, if Council supports the request, the appropriate temporary road closing by-law must be passed.
  3. Upon the by-law being passed, notice of the proposed temporary road closing will be given to the public in accordance with the Municipal Act, 2001 and the Town’s Notice By-law. A copy of the by-law will be forwarded to the Public Works and Fire Departments, the OPP and the County Ambulance Service for their information.

A Road Cut Permit (Municipal Easement Work Permit) is required for any activity that involves the cutting, excavation, boring, filling, additions or altering in any way of roadways, curbs, sidewalks, boulevards, ditches and other areas within the right-of-way.

Application For Municipal Easement (Road Cut) Work Permit

The Town has a responsibility to maintain its publicly travelled roadways and roadside allowances in a safe condition for all potential users.

The intent of the Town's roadside brushing program is to remove all brush, shrubs, small trees and overhanging tree canopy within road allowances. If this material is not removed, it can have numerous negative impacts. These impacts include:

  • Reduced sight lines at intersections and driveways
  • Obstructed view of traffic signs
  • Obstructed view of wildlife crossing the road
  • Hidden illegally dumped waste
  • Intensified snow accumulation
  • Drainage interference
  • Preventing dust clouds to dissipate
  • Blocks sunlight, reducing the effectiveness of winter operations and creates ice and snow patches on driving surfaces
  • Increased risk of branches striking vehicles from sides or above the road

The Town uses mechanical brushing because it is environmentally friendly, cost effective and a highly productive method to control and maintain natural vegetation in rural settings. While mechanical brushing may leave a harsh appearance for a short period afterwards, it also rebounds very quickly, returning the area to a natural appearance.

In accordance with the Highway Traffic Act, R.S.O. 1990. Ch. H.8, Section 122 and Greater Napanee's By-law 2023-0087, please be advised that all roads within Greater Napanee are subject to restricted loads.

Seasonal load restrictions are in effect as of March 4th, 2025. 

The County of Lennox & Addington’s reduced load restrictions can be found here.

For more information, contact the Public Works department at 613-776-1177.

View the Greater Napanee Load Restrictions Map

Public Works oversees the maintenance, repair and construction of all municipal sidewalks.

For information on snow plowing and winter maintenance please see our snow plowing and route maps

Public Works maintains traffic and street signs on municipal and county roads. 

For urgent matters or emergencies, please call 613-776-1177.

Aside from keeping our streets neat and tidy, street sweeping protects water quality and the environment by keeping pollutants out of the Town’s ponds, rivers and streams. It also keeps storm drains clear of debris so rain and melted snow have somewhere to go.

The Town has one street sweeper in its fleet. Sweeping begins every spring between April and May (weather permitting) and is ongoing till late October.
The spring cleanup is the heaviest and most time consuming, due to the accumulation of debris and winter sand through the fall, winter and spring. Sweeping continues into late fall to collect any leaves along the streets and clean out catch basins to prevent blockage.
The Town approaches street sweeping as follows:
• Main streets are addressed first because the potential for dust on these streets is the greatest due to higher traffic volumes followed by collector streets. Often, more than one pass is required to sufficiently clean the street.
• Once the main streets and collectors are complete, the program moves to residential streets. These residential streets typically have curb and gutter, where the winter sand collects.
• Sweeping then moves on to rural roads in areas where there are curb and gutter.
The Town appreciates your patience, during our street sweeping program.

Reporting a streetlight/stoplight issue is easy. Let us know where the streetlight is located by entering an address, street intersection or Pole ID number. Alternatively, you can contact the Public Works department at 613-776-1177 to report streetlight issues. 

The Town of Greater Napanee has started rehabilitation work on Little Creek Road, Kimmett Side Road, Hambly Road, Fitchett Road, and Old Hamburg Road.

Rehabilitation work generally consists of clearing and grubbing of some roadside vegetation, drainage improvements (ditching, culverts), in-place processing of existing surface, granular placement, topsoil, and seeding.

Crews have begun work on this project, including clearing and grub work. All work is anticipated to be completed by the end of July 2024.

The Town of Greater Napanee strives to ensure that the construction activities align in a safe, accurate, complete, and timely manner. Please note that there may be some inconveniences during the construction work such as traffic delays, noise, dust, and vibrations. Staff will take every precaution to minimize interruptions to the everyday life of your family and/or the operation of your business. Should access to your property be disrupted staff will provide advanced notification.

We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause and appreciate your continued support and patience.

Should you require any information or assistance related to this project, please call the office at 613-776-1152.

There are different rules and services for taking care of private and public trees.

Contact the Public Works department if you are unsure of the ownership of a tree.

  • Trees with more than half of their trunk on public property, at ground level, are considered to be public trees.
  • Trees with more than half of their trunk diameter on private property, at ground level, are considered private trees.

The Town's Public Works department is responsible for the protection, planting, maintenance and removal of public trees. Residents should not interfere or perform any work on Town-owned trees.

Please contact the Town if you wish to view the Town's policy to Protect and Enhance the Tree Canopy and Natural Vegetation in the Municipality.

If a tree is within distance of a hydro line that could be damaged if the tree falls, has fallen, or growing into the wires, please contact Hydro One at 1-888-664-9376. Hydro will only tend to the matter if the tree will interfere with the main line. If it is a secondary line leading into a residence that will be affected, it is the homeowner’s responsibility.

Provincial Roads

Provincial Roads are under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Transportation (MTO). There are two (2) provincial highways in Greater Napanee, Highway 401 and Highway 33. Maintenance for these roads is done by C-Highway Maintenance. To report a complaint about a provincial highway, please call 1-866-685-2770.

Please visit the Ministry of Transportation website for more information.

County Roads

There are 157 km of County roads within Greater Napanee. The municipality maintains all County roads within its jurisdiction, on behalf of the County of Lennox & Addington. Information on County roads can be found on the County of Lennox & Addington website.

Municipal Roads

Greater Napanee owns over 281 km of roads.  Any concerns regarding municipal roads must be addressed to the Public Works Department. For concerns, please call 613-354-3351. 

Private Roads

A private road is a road owned and maintained by a private individual, organization, or company and not the municipality. Unauthorized use of the road may be considered trespassing and some of the usual rules of the road may not apply. The most common type of private road is a residential road maintained by a homeowner, road or cottage association, housing co-op, or other group of individual homeowners. 

Unassumed Roads

An unassumed road is a road owned by the municipality and maintained by a private individual, organization, or company rather than the municipality. Since the roads are owned by the municipality, the general public is allowed to travel on them. Since they have not been assumed by the municipality for maintenance purposes, the private individual or organization is responsible for maintenance.  These roads usually do not meet the minimum standards that the municipality considers acceptable for assumption. The municipality absolves itself of liability in connection to these roads.

Unopened Road Allowances

Unopened road allowances can be found on both concession and lot lines as they were originally surveyed during the Province’s early settlement. The unopened road allowances are owned by Greater Napanee but are not maintained. The public is allowed to walk, horseback ride, ATV, and snowmobile on unopened road allowances.  The public is not allowed to alter the road allowance in any way, including cutting trees, cutting brush, blocking access, digging, grading, etc.



For Parking information, please see our Parking page.

For information in alternate formats, please contact Hollie Knapp-Fisher

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