Navigating the world of cemetery plot ownership can feel overwhelming, especially when emotions run high during times of loss. Understanding the ins and outs of what it means to own a cemetery plot is crucial, not just for legal reasons but also for peace of mind. After all, a burial plot is more than just a piece of land; it’s a final resting place for loved ones; it’s not just about the legalities; it’s about ensuring that the wishes of the deceased are honored and that their resting place is respected. When you choose ground burial for your loved one’s final resting place, you’re giving your family a place to find comfort and renew cherished memories.
For more information on plot sales, reach out to the Cemetery Administrator for guidance. We are here to help you understand your rights and responsibilities in order to make a challenging time a little easier.
Please note: The Town of Greater Napanee does not accept payment for interments until the time of need. Therefore, the Town does not permit pre-need sales.
Select the Cemetery
In-ground burial plots are only for sale at the Riverside Cemetery located off Church Street.
Choose a Specific Site Location
There is an abundance of plots available at the Riverside Cemetery for sale. The Town is currently selling plots in the ‘G’ Section of the Cemetery. In order to determine the exact location that you wish to purchase, it is best to meet with the Cemetery Administrator both in office and at the cemetery. Once you have made the decision in which plot you would like to purchase, the Cemetery Administrator will guide you through the rest of the process.
Arrange for Purchase and Payment
The Cemetery Administrator will complete the following steps regarding the burial plot purchase:
- Complete a ‘Contract for Purchase’
- To be signed by both the purchaser and the Cemetery Administrator.
- Complete a ‘Certificate of Interment Rights’
- Duplicate copies signed by the Cemetery Administrator.
- Provide you with the sales Invoice
- Provide you with a copy of the Cemetery By-law and current price list
- Provide you with a copy of the Bereavement Authority of Ontario’s (BAO) ‘Consumer Information Guide.’
- Provide you with a copy of the signed contract for purchase, a copy of the certificate of interment rights and a copy of payment receipt.