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Our Town has over 60 known cemeteries. For a list of all known cemeteries in the community, please visit the Ontario Genealogical Society's Digital Collections & Library Catalogue.

All inquiries, plot purchases, and burials for Riverside (Eastern), Riverview (Western), and Roblin Cemeteries are done through the Town. The Town is not liable nor responsible for any work done in Riverside Cemetery (located at 334 Church Street, Napanee) or Riverview Cemetery (located at 336 Dundas Street West, Napanee) prior to May 19, 2020 and not prior to May 1, 2022 for work done in Roblin Cemetery (located at 3136 County Road 41, Roblin). Below is the information available for any of the Cemeteries that the Town operates:

Please contact the Community & Corporate Services office at 613-354-3351 or email Sonia McLuckie to arrange a burial.

What Documents are Needed to Arrange a Burial?

1. Burial Permit or Cremation Certificate - please provide the original copy of the cremation certificate

2. Order of Interment (Authorization)

3. Applicable fees must be paid before a burial can take place

Please note that the Town reserves the right to request any supporting documentation that may be necessary to establish your right to authorize a burial or interment or to verify the interment rights.

Who Can Arrange a Burial?

The Interment Rights holder, also known as the plot owner, must provide written authorization or Order for Interment Form before a burial can take place. If the owner is deceased, the person(s) authorized to act on their behalf must provide the authorization. That is usually the Estate Executor, spouse, or adult children. 

You can:

  • Register your interment rights
  • Transfer your interment rights to someone else
  • Ensure your interment rights are held jointly to provide continuity
  • Confirm or correct any historic burial records we hold

Riverview Columbarium

Riverview Columbarium A - At Capacity 

Riverview Columbarium B - Niches Available 

Each Niche is 12"x12"x12" and can hold up to 2 urns.

Both Columbarium's 

Columbarium at Riverview Cemetery

East Facing

East Facing Columbarium at Riverview Cemetery 

West Facing

West Facing Columbarium at Riverview Cemetery

For costs, please see the Price List.

Note that the prices differ depending on the level you choose

Riverside Columbarium

The Riverside Columbarium is installed and niches are available for purchase.

Each Niche is 12"x12"x12" and can hold up to 2 urns.

For costs, please see the Price List.

Note that the prices differ depending on the level you choose 

East Facing

West Facing


Sold niches at Riverview Cemetery in Columbarium B - East Facing

Sold niches on the west facing columbarium at Riverview Cemetery


Sold niches at Riverside Cemetery in Columbarium A - West Facing

Sold niches in the columbarium at Riverside Cemetery on the east facing side

For monument installation, please follow these steps:

1. Contact a monument company of your choosing

2. Fill out the Monument Installation or Addition Request Form and attach the drawing of the proposed stone

3. Email the completed form to Sonia McLuckie for approval

4. Once approved, the monument company will contact the Town for the appropriate location for installation

5. Depending on the size of the monument you are purchasing, there may be a fee for Care and Maintenance

6. For information on sizing that is permitted, please see the Town's Cemetery By-law (Section 8 for Monuments and Markers)


Foundation Installation Agreement 

Any questions on any of these steps can be directed to Sonia McLuckie.

We're always looking for volunteers who are willing to help with cemetery maintenance and upkeep.
Please see our Volunteer page to register as a cemetery volunteer. 
Please contact Sonia McLuckie at 613-776-1115

We are able to provide the available contacts for the following cemeteries:

  • Please see the St. Alban's Cemetery's  website for information on this cemetery
  • Please see the UEL Heritage Centre & Park's website for information on the United Empire Loyalist Cemetery
  • Please see the St. Patrick's Roman Catholic Cemetery's website for information on this cemetery
  • Riverside Cemetery (“Eastern Cemetery” assumed by Town of Greater Napanee May 19, 2020). Please call 613-354-3351 or email Sonia McLuckie
  • Riverview Cemetery (“Western Cemetery” assumed by Town of Greater Napanee May 19, 2020). Please call 613-354-3351 or email Sonia McLuckie

Find A Grave is a good resource for more research.

The Bereavement Authority of Ontario (BAO) handles complaints pursuant to the Funeral, Burial and Cremation Services Act, 2002(FBCSA). While the BAO attempts to resolve disputes wherever possible, the parties are encouraged to discuss their concerns before proceeding through the BAO’s complaint process.

Please expect to answer the following questions if you choose to fill out an online complaint form through the BAO:

  • Personal Contact Details
  • Service Provider/Business Details
  • Describe Your Concern

Pursuant to section 66 of the FBCSA, in handling complaints, the Registrar may do any of the following, as appropriate:

  • Attempt to mediate or resolve the complaint
  • Give the licensee a written warning
  • Require the licensee to attend a specified educational program
  • Refer the matter to the discipline committee

Please note: the Registrar cannot award damages or require refunds or discounts where services and/or merchandise have been provided. 

Consumer protection in a marketplace that is safe, secure and professional, is a priority for the Bereavement Authority of Ontario. As a regulator, the organization depends on the information and feedback provided by consumers and stakeholders to enhance service standards and identify learning opportunities for the sector.

In Ontario, all licensed bereavement service providers are required to comply with the Funeral, Burial and Cremation Services Act, 2002, and Ontario Regulation 30/11.

For more information on the administration of cemeteries in Ontario, see the Funeral, Burial and Cremation Services Act or contact the Bereavement Authority of Ontario (BAO).

The Town of Greater Napanee now offers a service to families to lift and reset their flat markers with a tamped base material (ex. stone dust) within our cemeteries. The fee is $65/hr with a minimum of one hour. See below for examples of before and after photos of work completed this year (2023).

 Flat marker covered in grass

 Flat marker cleaned

Flat marker covered in grass

Flat marker cleaned

The Town of Greater Napanee also offers Cleaning of Monuments/Markers - $75+HST set fee

For more information or to request the service, please contact Sonia McLuckie at 613-776-1115.

For more information, please see the Town's Cemetery By-law.

Ontario Association of Cemetery and Funeral Professionals Certification

Cemetery locations are offered based on best known information, please respect that some sites are located on private lands and in these cases please speak with the appropriate municipality for access details.

For information in alternate formats, please contact Hollie Knapp-Fisher

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