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Cemeteries are where lives are commemorated, deaths are recorded, families are reunited, memories are made tangible, and love is undisguised. The Town of Greater Napanee has Cemeteries that contain history of people, perpetual record of yesterday and a sanctuary of peace and quite today. 

A cemetery exists because every life is worth remembering – always.

The Town of Greater Napanee has over 60 known cemeteries. Most are abandoned or closed, with a handful that are operational. Our operational cemeteries include Riverside Cemetery, Riverview Cemetery, Roblin Cemetery and Sandhill Cemetery. Operational cemeteries are open to the public from dawn to dusk daily.

Please refer to the Cemetery By-law 2025-0018 for municipal rules and regulations. 

To help consumers know their rights and responsibilities before entering into contracts, the Bereavement Authority of Ontario provides a free printable guide “A Guide to Death Care in Ontario.” Copies are available at the Town office.

Navigating the world of cemetery plot ownership can feel overwhelming, especially when emotions run high during times of loss. Understanding the ins and outs of what it means to own a cemetery plot is crucial, not just for legal reasons but also for peace of mind. After all, a burial plot is more than just a piece of land; it’s a final resting place for loved ones; it’s not just about the legalities; it’s about ensuring that the wishes of the deceased are honored and that their resting place is respected. When you choose ground burial for your loved one’s final resting place, you’re giving your family a place to find comfort and renew cherished memories. 

For more information on plot sales, reach out to the Cemetery Administrator for guidance. We are here to help you understand your rights and responsibilities in order to make a challenging time a little easier.

Please note: The Town of Greater Napanee does not accept payment for interments until the time of need. Therefore, the Town does not permit pre-need sales.

Select the Cemetery

In-ground burial plots are only for sale at the Riverside Cemetery located off Church Street.

Choose a Specific Site Location

There is an abundance of plots available at the Riverside Cemetery for sale.  The Town is currently selling plots in the ‘G’ Section of the Cemetery.  In order to determine the exact location that you wish to purchase, it is best to meet with the Cemetery Administrator both in office and at the cemetery.  Once you have made the decision in which plot you would like to purchase, the Cemetery Administrator will guide you through the rest of the process.

Arrange for Purchase and Payment 

The Cemetery Administrator will complete the following steps regarding the burial plot purchase:

  1. Complete a ‘Contract for Purchase’
    1. To be signed by both the purchaser and the Cemetery Administrator.
  2. Complete a ‘Certificate of Interment Rights’
    1. Duplicate copies signed by the Cemetery Administrator.
  3. Provide you with the sales Invoice
  4. Provide you with a copy of the Cemetery By-law and current price list
  5. Provide you with a copy of the Bereavement Authority of Ontario’s (BAO) ‘Consumer Information Guide.’
  6. Provide you with a copy of the signed contract for purchase, a copy of the certificate of interment rights and a copy of payment receipt.

Navigating the world of cemetery plot ownership can feel overwhelming, especially when emotions run high during times of loss. Understanding the ins and outs of what it means to own a cemetery plot is crucial, not just for legal reasons but also for peace of mind. After all, a burial plot is more than just a piece of land; it’s a final resting place for loved ones; it’s not just about the legalities; it’s about ensuring that the wishes of the deceased are honored and that their resting place is respected. When you choose ground burial for your loved one’s final resting place, you’re giving your family a place to find comfort and renew cherished memories. 

For more information on plot sales, reach out to the Cemetery Administrator for guidance. We are here to help you understand your rights and responsibilities in order to make a challenging time a little easier.

Definition of Ownership – Does the Interment Rights Holder  own the Land?

When you purchase a burial plot, you’re not actually buying the land itself. Instead, you’re acquiring a “right of interment.” This means you have the right to have a body interred in that specific location, but the land remains the property of the cemetery. Think of it like renting an apartment: you have the right to live there, but you don’t own the building. The cemetery is responsible for the maintenance of the grounds, ensuring that the area remains a respectful and peaceful place for visitors.

As part of ownership, at the time of purchasing a burial plot, the purchaser is also required to purchase cornerstones which will be placed accordingly by Cemetery Staff to help identify plot ownership.

What is an Interment Rights Holder?

Interment Rights Holder means the person(s) who hold the interment rights to a lot (grave), plot (multiple graves) or niche as purchased under contract and registered in the Cemetery's records and conveyed on the interment rights certificate. 

Why is it Important to be the Interment Rights Holder?

Without the consent or permission of the interment Rights Holder of cemetery record, there is very little a cemetery operator or a family is permitted to do. Ontario Regulation 30/11, Item 161. (1)  of the province's Funeral, Burial and Cremation Services Act, 2002 states,  

 "No cemetery operator shall inter human remains in a lot, other than the remains of the interment rights holder, without the written consent of the interment rights holder."    

O. Reg. 30/11, s. 158 (3) further states,  

"An interment rights holder or a person authorized to act on the holder’s behalf may install a marker on a lot if the installation of the marker does not contravene the cemetery by-laws."

Plot Details

Each burial plot is measured 4’ x 10’ or 4’ x 8’ depending on the area in which the burial plot is purchased. (Double-depth burials are no longer permitted).

Within each plot you can have 1 casket and 4 cremations – OR – 4 cremations. Each plot can have an upright monument and up to 4 flat markers. If you have ownership over 2 plots, a monument can be centered over the 2 plots. Please refer to Section 9 of the Cemetery By-law for further information pertaining to monument placement.

Additional Interment Rights Holder(s)

Original Interment Rights Holder may authorize the Town to add ‘additional interment Rights Holder (s)’ to their plot(s).  This means that is something were to happen to the original owner, the additionally named could authorize burials to take place within the plot.

Please note: Additional interment Rights Holder (s) do not have authority to add additional interment holders or transfer the rights, they only have the right to authorize interment.

Cemetery Laws

Cemetery laws are a mix of local regulations and cemetery policies that dictate how plots can be owned, sold, and maintained. These laws are essential for maintaining order and respect in these sacred spaces. Different types of cemeteries - public, private, and religious - each have their own set of rules. Public cemeteries are generally managed by local governments and are accessible to everyone, while private and religious cemeteries may have more restrictive policies regarding who can be buried there.


Transferring or reselling a burial plot isn’t as straightforward as selling a house. There are specific legal processes involved. Typically, you’ll need to provide written documentation to the Town. It’s essential to keep the cemetery’s records updated to avoid any disputes later on. If you decide to sell an unused plot, many cemeteries will only allow you to sell it back to them, often at the original purchase price. However, the Town of Greater Napanee does permit third-party sales, but this process will still heavily involve the Town when granting any new Interment Right Certificate(s).

The Town also permits the original Interment Rights Holder the ability to Transfer the plots to whom they wish.  Whether selling or transferring, both options must adhere by the Cemetery By-law and work with the Town to complete both processes.

For more information on plot transfers, reach out to the Cemetery Administrator for guidance.

Steps to Transfer a Plot

Transferring a plot to another individual involves several steps, all of which are completed with guidance from the Cemetery Administrator.

Gather all Pertinent Documentation:

You will need the original conveyance of title and any other relevant paperwork (ex. signed contract, certificate of interment rights). If you do not have this information, continue to step 2.

Notify the Cemetery:

It is crucial that you work with the Town Cemetery Administrator to complete the transfer to ensure records are accurate.

Endorsed Certificate of Interment Rights:

If there is no original interment rights certificate, the Cemetery Administrator can create a duplicate (replacement) which can be signed by the Interment Rights Holder.

Submit a Written Request for Authorization:

The Cemetery Administrator will provide you with a form to complete that must be signed by all those who are listed as Interment Rights Holder to that plot.

Reselling Unused Burial Plots

If you find yourself with an unused burial plot, you may want to sell it.  The Town permits the private (third-party) sales of interment rights. However, this may not be the case at other cemeteries in Ontario. Under the Funeral, Burial, and Cremation Services Act (2002) of Ontario (“FBCSA”) cemetery operators can choose either to permit or prohibit the private re-sale of interment rights. While we permit this, there are specific conditions which must exist, and certain steps required to ensure the transfer of ownership is registered in the cemetery’s records. In order to re-sell interment rights privately a Rights Holder must follow a specific procedure, complete the appropriate paperwork, and register the re-sale or transfer on the cemetery records.

Required Conditions:

  1. The interment rights have been paid in full.
  2. An Interment Rights Certificate has been issued by the Cemetery Administrator to the Rights Holder.
  3. No burials or memorials have taken place within any of the graves or niches identified on the Interment Rights Certificate.
  4. All memorials have been removed.

Options Available to the Interment Rights Holder:

Subject to an administration fee, and provided the above conditions have been met, the Rights Holder may, at any time:

  1. Sell the interment rights privately - Ontario legislation requires that the interment rights cannot be sold or transferred for an amount greater than the value of a comparable interment right on the current cemetery price list.
  2. Inquire with the Town if they are interested in buying back an unused plot, however, the Town is not obligated to do so as set out in the Cemetery By-law.

Selling Interment Rights Privately:

  1. The Rights Holder (seller) registered on the cemetery records returns the current Interment Rights Certificate* to the Cemetery Administrator with an Endorsement of Sale or Transfer document (either on the back of the Interment Rights Certificate or issued by the Town) completed and signed by the Rights Holder (s) and the third-party transferee(s);
  2. The Rights Holder pays the current Town’s administration fee as set out in the Fees for Services By-law.
  3. The Cemetery Administrator agrees that the documentation and the transfer of ownership has been registered on the cemetery records, in accordance with the Cemetery By-laws. 

The Cemetery Administrator will then issue a new Interment Rights Certificate to the transferee(s) (the “new Rights Holder(s)”) within 30 days.

*If the original Interment Rights Certificate cannot be found, the Cemetery Administrator may issue a duplicate Interment Rights certificate to facilitate the sale or transfer endorsement.  An administration fee may apply.

Selling the Interment Rights back to the Town:

  1. The Rights Holder informs the Cemetery Administrator of his/her desire to transfer the interment rights back to the Town of Greater Napanee.
  2. The Cemetery Administrator will identify the refund amount and requests written consent from all Rights Holders.
  3. Should the Rights Holder(s) wish to proceed, and written consent is provided, the Cemetery Administrator will prepare an administrative report to be presented to Council.  It is the discretion of Council as to whether they wish to buy it back or decline.
  4. If Council wishes to proceed with the buy-back, the above steps will be followed.
  5. If Council declines, then the Interment Rights Holder can proceed with selling to a third-party.


To plan/schedule a burial, please contact the Town’s Cemetery Administrator, Sonia McLuckie by phone at 613-776-1115 or by email at

Who Can Arrange a Burial or Inurnment?

The Interment Rights holder, also known as the plot owner, can arrange and authorize a burial. If the owner is deceased, the person(s) authorized to act on their behalf must provide the authorization. That is usually the Estate Executor, spouse, or adult children. Those who do not have Interment Rights or executrix powers, cannot authorize a burial.

What Documents are Needed to Arrange a Burial?

  1. For the interment of Cremated remains, a Cremation Certificate, Burial Permit/Death Certificate, is required (please provide the original copy of the cremation certificate which can be obtained from the crematorium or funeral home providing the service).
  2. For a full Casket interment, a Burial Permit/Death Certificate is required. (These can be obtained from the Funeral Home who is providing the service).
  3. Completed ‘Authorization for Interment’ that can be obtained from the Cemetery Administrator.  This form is to be completed by the Interment Right Holder.  If no Interment Right Holder is living, then the family will work with the Cemetery Administrator to gather all required names for the authorization.
  4. All applicable fees for services, as set out in the Fees and Charges By-law, must be paid to the Town before a burial can take place.

Please note: The Town reserves the right to request any supporting documentation that may be necessary to establish your right to authorize a burial or interment or to verify the interment rights.

For monument installation, please follow these steps:

  1. Contact a monument company of your choosing.
  2. Fill out the Monument Installation or Addition Request Form and attach the drawing of the proposed stone.
  3. Email the completed form to Sonia McLuckie for approval.
  4. Once approved, the monument company will contact the Town for the appropriate location for installation. There will be a staking fee applied.
  5. Depending on the size of the monument you are purchasing, there may be a fee for Care and Maintenance.
  6. For information on sizing that is permitted, please see the Town's Cemetery By-law. 

Any questions on any of these steps can be directed to Sonia McLuckie.

A columbarium (niche wall) is an above-ground structure designed specifically for the interment of cremated remains.  Each structure is divided into small compartments referred to as “niches”.  Each niche in our columbarium’s are double lots, which are designed to hold up to 2 urns containing cremated human remains. Each niche measures 12’x12’x12’x12’.

Columbarium’s provide a permanent and physical location where family members can visit and remember their departed loved ones.  They also help conserve land and are typically less expensive than traditional burial plots.  Additionally, they offer a dignified, respectful way to inter cremated remains, with the niche often bearing a plaque with the name of the deceased and pertinent dates.

While columbarium’s offer a convenient and cost-effective alternative to traditional burial, they may not be the right choice for everyone.  Traditional burial options still exist and may be preferred by some individuals or families.  Burial plots allow for full-body interment and provide a physical location for visitation and remembrance. The Town offers full burial plots at the Riverside Cemetery located off of Church Street.

Navigating the world of cemetery plot ownership can feel overwhelming, especially when emotions run high during times of loss. Understanding the ins and outs of what it means to own a cemetery plot is crucial, not just for legal reasons but also for peace of mind. After all, a burial plot is more than just a piece of land; it’s a final resting place for loved ones; it’s not just about the legalities; it’s about ensuring that the wishes of the deceased are honored and that their resting place is respected. When you choose ground burial for your loved one’s final resting place, you’re giving your family a place to find comfort and renew cherished memories. 

For more information on niche sales, reach out to the Cemetery Administrator for guidance. We are here to help you understand your rights and responsibilities in order to make a challenging time a little easier.

Please note: The Town of Greater Napanee does not accept payment for interments until the time of need. Therefore, the Town does not permit pre-need sales.

Select the Cemetery

The Town currently has Columbarium’s located at Riverview and Riverside Cemeteries. 


The Riverview cemetery has 2 Columbarium’s (A & B).  Columbarium A is at capacity, and Columbarium B is nearing capacity but still has availability.  A new Columbarium will be installed sometime in 2025, but we will not be selling any Niches from here until all have been sold it Columbarium B.


The Riverside Cemetery currently has 1 Columbarium.  Currently there are Niche’s available on all levels.

Choose a Specific Niche Compartment

Within each Columbarium there are 42 niches.  Each row is priced differently, therefore keep this in mind when choosing your niche. There are 4 rows in total and each row has 6 niche compartments.

Prices can be found on the Towns Fees for Services By-law.

Arrange for Purchase and Payment

The Cemetery Administrator will complete the following steps regarding the Columbarium Niche purchase:

  1. Complete a ‘Contract for Purchase’
    1. To be signed by both the purchaser and the Cemetery Administrator.
  2. Complete a ‘Certificate of Interment Rights’
    1. Duplicate copies signed by the Cemetery Administrator.
  3. Provide you with the sales Invoice
  4. Provide you with a copy of the Cemetery By-law and current price list
  5. Provide you with a copy of the Bereavement Authority of Ontario’s (BAO) ‘Consumer Information Guide.’
  6. Provide you with a copy of the signed contract for purchase, a copy of the certificate of interment rights and a copy of payment receipt.

The Town of Greater Napanee offers the following additional services to families to help keep their plots in pristine shape. The fees for the additional services can be found in the Town’s Fees and Charges By-law.

The Bereavement Authority of Ontario (BAO) is a not-for-profit corporation, responsible for administering provisions of the Funeral, Burial and Cremation Services Act, 2002 and associated regulations on behalf of the Ontario government.

The BAO was established as a delegated administrative authority (DAA) on January 16, 2016 under the Safety and Consumer Statutes Administration Act, 1996. The delegation to the BAO occurred as a result of the mutual desire of the Ontario government and the bereavement industry to enhance professionalism, increase consumer protection and provide an effective, efficient and responsive regulatory framework.

As the single regulator for the entire bereavement sector in Ontario, the Bereavement Authority of Ontario provides a more effective one-window approach for both licensees and consumers. Consumers now have a single point of contact for any questions or complaints they may have about funeral and transfer services or cemetery and crematorium services.

For general inquiries, comments, or complaints regarding the Bereavement Authority of Ontario, its services or the Funeral, Burial and Cremation Services Act, 2002.


Telephone: 647.483.2645

Toll Free: 844.493.6356

Fax: 647.748.2645



Bereavement Authority of Ontario
100 Sheppard Avenue East, Suite 505

Licensed Cemetery Operator


Licence No. 4690486

Bereavement Authority of Ontario

English) Consumer Information Guide

(French) Guide d'Information du Consummateur

For more information or to request the service, please contact Sonia McLuckie, Cemetery Administrator by phone at 613-776-1115 or email or complete the request form below.


We are able to provide the available contacts for the following cemeteries:

  • Please see the St. Alban's Cemetery's  website for information on this cemetery
  • Please see the UEL Heritage Centre & Park's website for information on the United Empire Loyalist Cemetery
  • Please see the St. Patrick's Roman Catholic Cemetery's website for information on this cemetery
  • Riverside Cemetery (“Eastern Cemetery” assumed by Town of Greater Napanee May 19, 2020). Please call 613-354-3351 or email Sonia McLuckie
  • Riverview Cemetery (“Western Cemetery” assumed by Town of Greater Napanee May 19, 2020). Please call 613-354-3351 or email Sonia McLuckie

Find A Grave is a good resource for more research.

For information in alternate formats, please contact Hollie Knapp-Fisher

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